29 May 2011

Denali in Sight

We've covered over 4,200 miles since the 15th of May and we are at last in Anchorage.  The short drive in on the Glenn Highway was easy but felt longer than it was.  We were eager to be out of the car and in one place for more and a night since leaving San Francisco.  It took us until after lunch, after dinner even, to realize that we weren't getting back in the car and driving another 10 hours the next day.

We couldn't ask for more than a yard with a dog, a bed and delicious meals
Our bed in Anchorage are with some family friends who have been in Alaska for decades.  Their cozy house and generous meals have slowly brought our bodies back to life.  Good beer and conversation help too.  We seem to have brought good weather with us as yesterday was perhaps the warmest and sunniest day Anchorage will see all summer.  We took the chance to stretch our legs and went on a beautiful albeit strenuously steep hike above the Seward Highway.  We scrambled up and gained hundreds of feet earning a panoramic view of Turnagain Arm and the north shore of the Kenai Peninsula.  As the we sat there the traffic heading south picked up as people left for the long holiday weekend.
Most of the trail was literally straight up the face of a  ridge
The Seward Highway follows Turnagain arm east before going through the Kenai Pen.
This weekend marks the opening of many of the rivers and streams on the Kenai for King Salmon.  This coming week we'll be floating some of the rivers for kings and hopefully have the chance to score steelhead as well.

This is the best way to undo 90 hours of driving
For now relief and recovery are deferring reflections of our drive.  A full season of guiding ahead leaves time for little else.  Hopefully these entries will return to trout, salmon, and the world of fish.